
IRS ’84: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation [ADP-vol109]


Contains the record of over one hundred papers organized into fourteen sections. Includes extensive data and information not available from other sources.


Contains the record of over one hundred papers organized into fourteen sections. Includes extensive data and information not available from other sources.

Aerosol Optical Parameters
Tropospheric Aerosols
Stratospheric Aerosols, El Chich�n
Stratosphere and Mesosphere
Cloud Optical Parameters
Basic Ideas in Radiation Science
Satellite Observations of the Earth’s Radiation Budget
Modelization of Climate-Radiation Feedbacks
Computation Methods and Radiative Transfer
Solar Flux
Radiation Measurement Techniques
Planetary Atmospheres
Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Temperature and Gas Concentrations
Remote Sensing of Land Surface Properties
Author Index
Subject Index

ISBN 0-937194-08-5, 1984, Hardcover, 438 pages